The BED Post

The Binge Eating Disorder Recovery blog

  • It’s been 2 days since I bought a tub of ice-cream and I haven’t eaten it

    I should explain. Ice-cream is my ultimate binge food. Not in the way that movies portray it, that cliche where the skinny actress turns to it after a breakup. No, for me it was much more than that. It was capable of consuming my every waking thought. On a bad day, I would plan my…

  • Stigma and Time to Change

    This blog was written for a local council to mark Time to Talk Day 2021. A 2015 parliament paper* describes Mental Health stigma using Time to Change’s definition: “the set of negative attitudes, pre-judgements, prejudices and behaviour that can make it harder for inviduals with mental health problems to live a normal life”. Time To…

  • Time to Talk Day 2021: The Power of Small

    This year, the theme of time to talk day is the power of small. People underestimate the small things, but they mean so much, and they can lead to something very big indeed. For me, it really did all start with those small conversations. Now and then, when a friend or colleague asked how I…

  • First Steps

    Heart racing, body trembling,Light headed, dizzy, gasping for air,Red faced, filled with shame,Fear: of everything,Of failing,Of feeling this way forever. My counsellor told meShaking legs will hold me up.So I stand, take a tentative step.I don’t fall,So I take another,And start the hardest journey I will ever take. You think Mental Illness means I’m weak?Then…

  • It’s OK to feel overwhelmed

    I have a big week coming up. It’s Time to Talk Day on Thursday 4th February. My poem “First Steps” is being published. I’m speaking at an online event. A blog I wrote is being published locally. I should be excited, right? No, I’m overwhelmed and anxious. I’ve managed to self-sabotage by over-exercising, triggering my…

  • Fat Girl Thin Then Fat Again

    There’s no point denying it. I am fat, obese, curvy, plus size, or however else you want to phrase it. I have used disordered eating as a way to control my emotions and deal with stuff for nearly 40 years. For nearly 30 of those I was told by medical professionals to go on a…

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Welcome to the BED Post!

This site and its contents are based on 4 decades of lived experience with an eating disorder, and the long and difficult journey to recovery.

Here at the BED Post, we welcome anyone wanting to know more about Binge Eating Disorder and eating disorders in bigger bodies. People with higher BMI make up the vast majority of eating disorder sufferers, in direct contradiction to the image portrayed by the mainstream media.

We aim to support and advocate for this majority, raise awareness, and challenge the weight stigma faced by those suffering from an eating disorder in a bigger body.

And last, but by no means least, we want to bring hope that eating disorder recovery is possible. Because with the right treatment and support, it truly is.


Blogger and eating disorder campaigner