The BED Post

The Binge Eating Disorder Recovery blog

  • Does restriction cause eating disorders?

    There’s been a lot of debate about restriction causing eating disorders recently. Now I’m not a scientist. I’m someone in recovery from an ED. Someone with over 40 years of experience of eating disorder behaviours. Was my illness caused by restriction? It was a potential factor, but not the main cause. Did restriction keep me…

  • That time when I was fit and healthy

    There’s a secret I’ve been keeping since my twenties. A particular time when my ED voice was at its loudest. It’s this time I go back to whenever I question whether having an ED was really so bad, or whether I was ever really ill at all. In this blog, I am sharing it for…

  • Battling the Black Dog

    It’s back. It’s barking and growling and scratching at the door, trying to get in, and I’m trying so hard not to let it. But it’s exhausting. I’m so tired, constantly wanting to sleep. Yet some nights I lie awake. Not thinking or fretting or stressing, really. I just lie there with my eyes closed,…

  • COVID, anxiety, and floating

    October 10th 2021. World Mental Health Day. I leave the house and go to a local event. Have a great time. Make plans to see friends again soon. The sun is shining and I’m feeling good about getting back to “normality”. One day later, October 11th. I go to my first face to face external…

  • Burnout

    I’ve been absent from social media for a little while. This post explains why. Basically, my real, offline, life has has been taking all I have to give lately. Today has been a pretty good day. I’ve started a week of annual leave, met up with a friend, and accomplished a couple of tasks I…

  • Breaking my silence

    This week marks a year since I finally had THAT conversation with my mother. The one where I finally told her the secret I had kept for forty years… I told my parents about my diagnosis of BED a few years ago, when I started treatment. We had a few conversations about what it involved,…

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Welcome to the BED Post!

This site and its contents are based on 4 decades of lived experience with an eating disorder, and the long and difficult journey to recovery.

Here at the BED Post, we welcome anyone wanting to know more about Binge Eating Disorder and eating disorders in bigger bodies. People with higher BMI make up the vast majority of eating disorder sufferers, in direct contradiction to the image portrayed by the mainstream media.

We aim to support and advocate for this majority, raise awareness, and challenge the weight stigma faced by those suffering from an eating disorder in a bigger body.

And last, but by no means least, we want to bring hope that eating disorder recovery is possible. Because with the right treatment and support, it truly is.


Blogger and eating disorder campaigner