The BED Post

The Binge Eating Disorder Recovery blog

Tag: anxiety

  • COVID, anxiety, and floating

    October 10th 2021. World Mental Health Day. I leave the house and go to a local event. Have a great time. Make plans to see friends again soon. The sun is shining and I’m feeling good about getting back to “normality”. One day later, October 11th. I go to my first face to face external…

  • My Lowest Point

    Trigger Warning: suicidal thoughts There’s something happening at the moment which is bringing back painful memories. Triggering me, if you will. And as always when I’m struggling, I’m hoping writing it down will help. I’m aware it might not be helpful to some readers: if that might be you, please click away from this post…

  • First Steps

    Heart racing, body trembling,Light headed, dizzy, gasping for air,Red faced, filled with shame,Fear: of everything,Of failing,Of feeling this way forever. My counsellor told meShaking legs will hold me up.So I stand, take a tentative step.I don’t fall,So I take another,And start the hardest journey I will ever take. You think Mental Illness means I’m weak?Then…