The BED Post

The Binge Eating Disorder Recovery blog

Category: depression

  • Battling the Black Dog

    It’s back. It’s barking and growling and scratching at the door, trying to get in, and I’m trying so hard not to let it. But it’s exhausting. I’m so tired, constantly wanting to sleep. Yet some nights I lie awake. Not thinking or fretting or stressing, really. I just lie there with my eyes closed,…

  • My Lowest Point

    Trigger Warning: suicidal thoughts There’s something happening at the moment which is bringing back painful memories. Triggering me, if you will. And as always when I’m struggling, I’m hoping writing it down will help. I’m aware it might not be helpful to some readers: if that might be you, please click away from this post…

  • Stigma and Time to Change

    This blog was written for a local council to mark Time to Talk Day 2021. A 2015 parliament paper* describes Mental Health stigma using Time to Change’s definition: “the set of negative attitudes, pre-judgements, prejudices and behaviour that can make it harder for inviduals with mental health problems to live a normal life”. Time To…